Frequently Asked Questions

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Unlike our competitors, our base rate is all inclusive. You don’t need to worry about paying additional for long distance, call transferring, taxes, voicemail, faxes, etc. Shipping fees apply if you request us to forward your mail to you.
Yes. Every client receives a dedicated and exclusive phone number.
Yes. All clients subscribed to our Corporate Plan will have a live receptionist answering calls in his company’s name with a customize greeting designed by the client.
Yes. We can transfer calls to any number in the world at no additional charge.
A U.S phone is included in the base price. If you have existing numbers you would like to continue to use, you can forward those to us at no cost.
No. Every client receives an actual office address in a prestigious location in Miami, FL.
We can forward calls to an unlimited number of employees or phone numbers. We also include follow-me find-me services where our receptionists will call office lines, mobile phones, home office lines, etc. until the desired party is reached.

Our set-up is almost instant. Once you sign up online or over the phone, you will receive an email with your virtual office information and your phone service will be activated within 1 business day.

We accept credit card payments. We cannot accept checks. This also adds an extra level of convenience because you don’t have to worry about mailing in a check or late payments. You may also contact our sales department for other payment options.
No. All contracts are on a month-to-month basis and you can cancel at any time.
There are no cancelation fees.
Our receptionists will screen for solicitors and we have the ability to block their numbers if necessary.
Yes. We have clients from all over the world.

Virtual Offices in
Doral, Downtown Miami,
Aventura & Fort Lauderdale

starting at $59.99/month

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